
How does a date-time group work?

Date-time groups, DTGs, are a way of writing the date and time (no, really?) as well as the time zone, usually within the military. They are used in orders, logs, and in my case a multi-time-zone flight. DTGs are formatted as DDhhmmZMMMYY. For example, right now it’s 16:25 on 7 August 2014 in the UK – […]

SOTA Wales

SOTA activation Moel Famau

Today, Matt M6MLD, Harry M6HJM and myself M6ILO operated as MW6s & /P atop Moel Famau in North Wales as part of the Summits on the Air (SOTA) programme. Whilst it was chilly, we all made a good number of contacts – some fairly long distance – and had a great day out.


Cycle trip to wales!

So today I was up bright and early to go with my friend, via bicycle, to North Wales, me starting at West Kirby and meeting him on the way at Parkgate. Overall, it was a really nice cycle, but I’m absolutely shattered now.